Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thank God HE knows all about it!

I guess we've all been a little disappointed in the elections. I was kind of scared about it all a few days ago. But, the Lord reminded me that HE is in control, and all of this hasn't caught HIM by surprise. I was so thankful at that moment, that He brought that to mind. He is a Wonderful God and will see that His children are carefully watched. What a blessing to know that we are not alone in this! God give us grace to keep forging ahead, doing what's right, a midst all the evil that is around us.

I wanted you all to know that we will be having our first Missions Conference here at Old Paths Baptist Church,next week the 16th - 19th. We plan on having 4 Missionaries here to present their works, and the main speaker is Bro. Ronnie Starr. He and his wife have been missionaries in the Yukon for the past 25 years. We are very excited about it and would ask you to pray that God would really speak to hearts about missions. We all need refreshing on World Missions!

Well, I better go for now. May God Bless you all this week abundantly!

Serving Him,